Data Activation
Tech & Data Architecture
AI-Powered Personalization

Our ability to capture, interpret and adapt quickly to changing consumer buying behaviour is essential for the retail sector

In Partnership with Mindshare, we helped Swedish sports retailer Stadium adopt and leverage advanced analytics, AI, and automation to fulfil a surge in online shopping during the pandemic.  Our expertise and solutions helped our client switch from a manual to an automated process to target consumers effectively online to meet consumer demand during COVID.

Our ambition

Our sports retail client needed to adapt swiftly to meet a surge in consumer online shopping during the pandemic.

The goal was to remove the guesswork on predicting consumer behaviour and key product sales to stay ahead of competitors to target the right consumers at the right time with the right products.

“To continue to be hyper-relevant to our customers, we needed an automated, dynamic approach to budget setting.”

Lars Rosén
Head of Marketing at Stadium

Our solution

We created a bespoke analytic and AI solution for our client that used agile assessment, ideation and analytics to predict consumer demand for sports products during COVID and increased sales in unprecedented times. We combined deep expertise across: automation, advanced analytics, AI, first party data, predictive analytics and media modernisation.

  • We analysed client pre-pandemic sales data to create a consumer behaviour baseline vs current search trends
  • Then analysed current live Google search patterns in Sweden and Finland to identify search trends and customers that were not current shoppers to gain an overview of real time consumer appetite and online shoppers to target
  • We reviewed seasonal search trends vs actual sales last year and current to identify which search terms really led to sales to maximise ad campaign budgets
  • Our technical AI tool analysed consumer keywords daily to predict future sales and set accurate campaign budgets

Our results

We delivered practical swift applications of AI, first party data, automation and advanced analytics.

20% reduction in client’s Cost Per Click (CPC)
10% increase in online conversions and sales
Future proofed digital media buying via our Ai
Developed client’s predictive analytics capabilities
Automated ad campaign budgeting, maximising budgets
Enabled our client to spot future trends ahead of their competitors and diversify into new products removing risk

Our client case study also featured in Think with Google
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