

Our North American team recently hosted its Speed of Change event during Advertising Week in New York. It was a special evening that united senior leaders from across Google, WPP, GroupM, and clients to explore how to drive growth through digital transformation. It was an honor to unite so many of our community members and I was blown away by the evening’s insights and conversations. The event also coincided with the 1-year anniversary of our relaunch within GroupM. We looked back on the year, reflected on key milestones, and got a chance to thank our partners and collaborators in person.


One of the event’s highlights was an insightful panel discussion that I had the pleasure of moderating with industry leaders from Google, Dell, and MediaCom. We explored how brands can position themselves for sustained growth by taking an ‘always-on’ approach to digital transformation. Digital transformation is typically treated as a distinct and large-scale project. However, our industry and world are moving so fast that modern marketers must take a different approach in order to stay ahead of change. They must take an ‘always-on’ approach that leverages data and technology to constantly iterate and transform the organization over time. Our panelists shared impactful recommendations for how organizations can do this. From tips on how to adapt to consumer trends to strategies for how to better leverage AdTech, we explored ways that modern marketers can build cultures of innovation and make digital transformation an ongoing business initiative versus a one-time project.


Here are some key takeaways from our panel conversation and experience in our North American market this past year:

  • Culture is the foundation: An always-on approach to transformation doesn’t just happen. It needs to be baked into your culture through shared values. Leaders must encourage resilience and flexibility, support testing and experimentation, and allow teams to fail quickly and learn quickly. Teams need the space and safety to try new things and evolve.
  • Simplify the complex:  Getting buy-in for digital transformation or rapid technical changes can be difficult. Increase your speed to buy-in by simplifying the complex and using data to make your case for change and transformation.  Focus on overarching business objectives when framing the impact of transformative projects to bring different stakeholders along on the journey.
  • Measure, iterate, innovate: First-party data is widely considered to be a key currency as digital advertising evolves. Brands now need to focus on the HOW of maximizing the value of their data.  There needs to be comprehensive planning around not only growing data assets but future opportunities for data activation with media partners. This will require solutions and programs that incorporate innovation across engineering capability, strategy, and measurement functions.


Bringing together our partners and customers in New York during Advertising Week created a truly special experience – the room was filled with positive energy and enthusiasm for what’s to come.  I’m personally looking forward to 2023 and continuing to help brands unlock more value from their data and technology investments, and supporting them as they navigate the rapidly shifting digital landscape.

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