Measurement & Optimization
Measurement Strategy Put Simply

When it comes to measurement, it's relatively straightforward to determine your current position on the digital maturity ladder. Equally important is the ability to identify the necessary steps to ascend to the next level, enhancing maturity and delivering greater value for your business.

So, what does it mean to be more mature?

Maturity entails both improving efficiency in allocating media resources and focusing efforts on the appropriate activities beyond the realm of media.

In essence, there are four distinct stages of maturity:

  1. Nascent
  2. Emerging
  3. Connected
  4. Multi-Moment

Reaching the final stage is undoubtedly a significant achievement and an immensely rewarding position to occupy. However, it requires considerable effort on your part. You must excel at collecting and storing data while also skillfully modeling and interpreting it accurately and continuously.

We have assisted numerous clients in navigating these four stages by assessing their current status and determining the steps needed to progress. This involves starting with data collection and storage, gradually conducting experiments across a growing number of campaigns, and establishing an attribution modeling solution (such as MMM, Paradigm, etc.) to gain a comprehensive perspective that ties everything together. Ultimately, the goal is to possess a complete set of tools that comprehends the driving forces behind the business, allowing you to align your actions with this unified truth.

Watch the video below and embark on this journey through the maturity ladder with Andreas Nordfors.

In this series, we address industry-related challenges, marketing needs, and complex solutions - put simply for you in 5 exciting episodes.

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